The Capital Market Authority receives complaints that fall within the scope of the provisions of the Capital Market Law and its implementing regulations, considers, studies, validates them, and works to settle disputes that arise between the participating parties in relation to securities.
The Authority shall receive and refer complaints in disputes between market members and between members and clients to the Saudi Stock Exchange Company (Tadawul) for settlement. If settlement is not possible, the complaint shall be returned to the Authority to issue a notice to enable the complainant to pursue his case with the Committee.
How to submit an official complaint to the Capital Market Authority
- Through Filing a Complaint link.
- By mail: P.O. Box (87171), Riyadh (11642).
- By fax: (+966114906470).
- Through Capital Market Authority Head Office, King Fahd Road, ground floor, Investor Protection Office.
Documents to be attached with the complaint
- For individuals: a copy of the national ID for Saudis and GCC citizens, Muqeem ID for non-Saudis, or a copy of the passport for those residing abroad.
- For companies and institutions: a copy of the Commercial Registration, and the compliant should be signed by the authorised person to complete the process.
- A copy of the legal of attorney and the National ID of the legal agent.
- A copy of all supporting documents.
Click here to file a complaint